Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Roach Rage

I found a roach in my apartment tonight. Then I totally flipped out and went crazy with the bug spray. Then I totally freaked out because I just sprayed deadly chemicals down the hall. Then I freaked out and sequestered Ray to one corner of the living room so that the deadly chemicals would have less opportunity to make contact with her little person and eventually cause her a slow, painful, cancerous sort of death. And then I freaked out because I was spending so much time freaking out. Then it occurred to me. I have completely lost my mind. Finally the stress has taken over and the once intelligent, strong, amazing woman that existed within my frame is gone. I am a basketcase. But I suppose the first step to recovery is admitting I have a problem. I'm not sure what the other eleven steps may be. I'll keep you posted. For now, I admit that I have gone insane. Somehow that admission seems like progress.


At 3:03 PM, Blogger JULIE said...

You totatally crack me up! Thanks for the after-school humor. Be blessed, my friend.



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