Friday, November 11, 2005

Ginger and Chocolate

Today I made a smoothie and I put way too much ginger in it and then while I was drinking it my tongue went totally numb. But I kept drinking it because it was really good. So I just walked around sipping my smoothie and trying not to talk to anyone so they wouldn't think I was drunk or something. It would have been difficult to explain that I was slurring my words because of a ginger overdose. Or, at least, it would have made me look like an idiot--which I am, so that is not so serious a thing.

I decided that I am addicted to chocolate. I have found that when I study or sit through lectures, eating M&M's is a very good way to stay awake and satisfy hunger. I think it all started with this cute boy Christopher who was my Greek study partner. We sat together in class for two quarters and he would bring me M&M's every week. So began my addiction. Then I would buy a little bag of them during the class break. Now, I've been buying bulk and carrying a bag of them around with me. When I sit down with my books the M&M's come out too. I've tried to substitute granola or raisins, but they just don't have the same effect. I hope I finish school soon. I'm going to gain 15 pounds in chocolate alone.

In my Pentateuch class I was reading about Leviticus and the Kosher laws and I learned that in the time of Leviticus (and into today for Kosher Jews) what you eat is symbolic of what you believe. I wonder what ginger and chocolate say about my belief system. It cannot be good. I wonder what I would eat like if I meant for my beliefs to be expressed through my food choices? I've never really considered the witness of food before. Perhaps it would be good for me to assess my diet from an evangelistic point of view. Or maybe I should just stop writing now and eat my lunch.


At 11:07 AM, Blogger JULIE said...

I already did gain 15 pounds this past year eating chocolate...and numerous birthday treats and probably some coffee laced with lots of extra calories. Oh yeah, did I mention the treats in the teacher's lounge? Okay, I probably ate a lot of that stuff back in college when I had time to exercise two hours a day. I miss those days. For now, I'll be chubby. At least until after Christmas when I've vowed to change my ways. My new apartment has a nice workout room! Thanks for the challenge about addressing one's diet based on one's belief system. Does that mean if I eat crap then I believe that Jesus is crap? If that is true then I am a hypocrit. I can think of only a few things that would be worse.


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