Monday, March 06, 2006

Coffee Crotch

Today Tavya and David and I went to lunch together. It is interesting the things that come up in the course of conversation at lunch. We talked about flat front pants. We talked about making out. We talked about the curse that overwhelms my existence and makes everything go wrong.

When we left on our lunch excursion I was actually feeling down about the curse. I was tired and unmotivated and just wanted to go to sleep. But then a funny thing happened. Okay, not so funny for Tavya or for David. We had stopped at Starbucks and were on our way back to Fuller when Tavya's coffee splashed out of the cup and into her eye. Moments later, David starts saying, "Ow, ow" in the back seat. He had accidentally spilled his coffee. "Great. Now I have coffee crotch." I started to laugh. I am the only one present who was not scalded by my coffee. Perhaps the curse is not so powerful as I sometimes think it is. Perhaps there is hope.

In this world I will have trouble. This I know to be true. But somehow there is a strange comfort in knowing that others will have trouble too. I guess this is one of the great benefits of being in community. You get to see other people's lives suck sometimes. Then you are not always thinking about the way that your life sucks. (I'm sure that could be said in a more positive way, but I'm a cynical gal so I'm not going to say it more positively.) My thanks to Tavya and David. My all of our lives be less sucky than someone else's.


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