Monday, September 04, 2006


Today I read a book, wrote two papers, did some research on San Jose, Costa Rica, cleaned at least one third of my apartment, and emailed Julie to catch up. It feels good to get stuff done. The past week has been a blur of activity, but nothing seemed to be getting done. Today felt productive.

I once took this self-test thing about work styles and found that I am a person whose work needs to be driven by passion. If I am not passionate about what I am doing, then I supposedly won't feel fulfilled. Maybe today is an example of such. Over the past week I have done all sorts of things and worked really hard, but the only day that felt productive was today--when I was doing things that are important to me. My studies, my home, my friends, and my future country of residence are all things that I really care about--things I am passionate about. That is why today felt good.

Now, if only I could find a way to only do the things that I am passionate about. That would be perfection. Every moment would then feel productive. Or maybe it wouldn't, because then all the moments would be the same. Maybe I need mundane moments to contrast with the ones that are productive. After all, I can't be passionate about everything. Running to the store for milk probably should not be fulfilling. That reminds me. I forgot to run to the store. Back to the mundane. So long productivity.


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