Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Noises in the Night

There are always strange noises that come from the apartment above mine in the wee hours of the morning. Often I do not hear them because I am asleep (it is amazing how much older you are in your thirties than in your twenties) long before the wee hours. But, on those few nights when my brain outlasts my body and I sit up late at night I am disturbed by what sometimes sounds like music, sometimes sounds like sex, and sometimes sounds like someone put cinderblocks in the dryer just to see what would happen. The worst is when it sounds like all three going on at once. That is what it sounds like now.

When I have insomnia the last thing I want to deal with is the strange noises that come from above. But I guess the noises that come from within might be more disturbing, were I able to hear them above the noise of the upstairs apartment. Maybe the strange noises are a blessing in disguise.


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