Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Piano lessons saved my life

I'm sure my mom would be happy to know that piano lessons saved my life. It is true. I've just finished pounding out every song I've written (at least the ones I can remember) and banging out some chords that threaten to become a song someday, and I feel 10,000 times better than I did just an hour before. Piano lessons saved my life.

When life really overwhelms me and everything seems worthless, I play the piano. Since I don't own a piano, that can be a challenge, but I always seem to access one when I need it. This morning's piano resides in the 3rd floor youth rally room behind a bunch of stuff, so I had to crawl over stage lights and music stands and candles to get to it, but it was worth the challenge. Somehow playing lets me empty all the crud from my soul and I feel lighter and more free than I did before.

I'm really not a very negative person. I'm usually pretty hopeful. But lately there has been so much negative stuff, and the stuff that isn't negative is simply unresolved (which can feel negative) and that it is getting me down. And it seems I am not the only one plagued by negative stuff. Several of my friends seem to be falling apart in the same moment that I am. But creative release is good for the soul and I feel somehow stronger and better and more hopeful again after only an hour of piano. That feels good. And it feels good to know that there is always a way through the negative--I just have to press on until I find that way. Today the path leads over candles and lights to the piano. And tomorrow maybe it will lead to gainful employment and new relationships and time with loved ones and trips across the country. I hope that it might--and I am glad to feel hopeful once more.


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