Monday, February 19, 2007

I need an accountant

I need an accountant, and I don't even have any money. I made like 4000 dollars this year, but I did it in all these strange little ways and have all these forms to file and schedules to complete. I really hate taxes. In the UK, they just figure out how much you owe them and send you a bill. But I suppose our government is so corrupt they would just rip everybody off. Of course, I might notice. If I made 4000 dollars and had to pay tax, I might find that a bit suspicious.

I wonder if you can deduct beer for Hebrew study group meetings as an educational expense. Beer should be deductible anyway. It could probably be considered a medical expense--it cures seminary induced stress headaches. Folk music could be deductible under the same. I have now justified liquor and itunes as itemized deductions--perhaps I make a pretty good accountant after all.

Next year I hope to be an 813000 when I file. A religious or civic organization. How crazy is that? The other day, on the way home from cohort, I actually stated to Nic that this could be my "dream come true". Then I thought it stupid to state such a thing. I shouldn't get my hopes up--way too much could go way too wrong. But the fact that there are people who want to hear my missions/outreach proposal at all is most exciting. I can't help but wonder if this is where the promise begins--this is where the new life enters in and the curse is lifted and the striving all becomes worth it. Maybe this is the dream coming true. Maybe this is the vision that I have been given coming to life and finding its expression in a very real, very tangible way. If it does, next year I will definitely need an accountant.


At 9:31 PM, Blogger JULIE said...

I have just caught up on the inner workings of your life. I only wish I were an accountant so I could help you out! I hate accountants. Only because I hate paying taxes. This is not fair to the accountants in the world. I am happy that I decided not to become an accountant way back in high school and that I love working with people too much. I have nothing exciting to say to you. The days keep dragging on and on, and although good things are happening, I am quite ready for it to be spring! Send me warm days and no snow, please!!!


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