Monday, December 03, 2007

Girls do very little

Girls can do anything. But, lately, it occurs to me that they do very little of consequence because they are too busy being petty and jealous and silly. And it also occurs to me how easy it is for those games to be played by even the strong, wise women of the world--okay, I really mean me. It was funny, but today someone was sooo very jealous of me, and I kinda liked that idea. I kinda liked being the one who had gotten what someone else wanted. I kinda liked feeling like the world belonged to me, I was on top, things were going my way. I don't feel that way very often.

But, I don't want to waste my time playing the games and doing nothing. I want to do more than just "anything"--I want to realize great dreams and change the world. That is far more important than being the girl who has the prize for half a day. So, I relinquish my claim on the coveted prize, and I move on to do some work which will gain me no glory.


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